• Consistency - 2020,  Consistency - 2021

    Same Storm, Different Boat

    Looking back at 2020 and my word for 2021  2020 was a very odd year all around. To put it mildly!  I had chosen Consistency as my word for the year, and I intended to put solid effort into building habits and working towards being where I wanted to be health-wise before my milestone birthday at the end of 2020. That didn’t really happen. Derailments occurred and habits came and went as stress levels ebbed and flowed. I didn’t get to where I wanted to be, but I did make a little progress, so cannot claim complete failure! And so, consistency will continue to be my word for this year,…

  • Consistency - 2020,  Journalling,  Miscellany

    How consistency is helping with COVID-19 anxiety

    Do it again and again. Consistency makes the rain drops to create holes in the rock. Whatever is difficult can be done easily with regular attendance, attention and action. Israelmore Ayivor  We’ve just launched into the eighth month of what has been one of the more interesting years in modern history. It’s time for an update on how my word of the year Consistency has been helping.  As with most people I can confidently say that this year looks nothing like I expected it to. I started working from home at the end of March and the change threw me for a little while. I failed to create new routines…

  • Consistency - 2020,  Wonder - 2019

    Wondering about Consistency

    Farewell 2019… hello 2020!  2019 was a mixed bag of both great and not so great.  the great: I got married in June, went through a very positive team shift at work, my oldest son graduated from uni, my youngest son blitzed his first year at uni, several visits with my family, finally being able to walk more than a few metres without pain (my massage therapist is a magician).  the not so great: I said farewell to my husband for another six months or so, several injuries that impacted my training, a nasty cold/flu that hung around for months, and as I write this my country is on fire…

  • Wonder - 2019,  Word of the Year

    Wondering …

    It has been a somewhat crazy start to the year and I have been feeling overcooked and unable to see or feel wonder on a scale that I thought mattered. Tired to the point of not caring any more. There have definitely been very few a-ha moments! Work has been nuts and I had been trying to take leave since about September last year, but it never quite happened. So as soon as the dust settled in February I checked out for a couple of weeks and took myself off to the South Coast. The seaside has always been soothing for me, and I hoped it would work its magic…

  • Wonder - 2019

    Wonder – my word for 2019

    There’s never been another moment like this particular one, and never will be again. – Leo Babuta     Walt Whitman said: “Every moment of light and dark is a miracle”, but oh how easy it is to simply see them as day and night — the dividers that decide what is work time and what is sleeping time. The way-points on the road to the weekend. Over and over and over. The last few years have simply been a melange of head down, bum up, working to re-establish myself after a life rearrangement. Limping from weekend to weekend. Focussing on making sure there’s a roof over my head and…

  • Kindness,  Word of the Year

    Kindness Revisited

    Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness – Seneca After a year of having kindness as my guiding theme, it seems to me that kindness forms a rock-solid base from which to operate in life. I have become stronger in a softer kind of way, not just with myself, but with those around me. I have been far more mindful of my first reactions to things, and I think the year has smoothed off some of my rough edges, without sacrificing the inherent sass and cheekiness in me. Throughout the year I saw unbidden reminders in my social media feeds and in books and…

  • Kindness,  Word of the Year

    Kindness is…

    Spring has sprung and we’re galloping headlong into the final quarter of 2018. Christmas is just around the corner, and it’s generally the busiest time of the year, so I decided that a recap of what I’ve learned about kindness so far would be in order to help me focus and make it through in one piece. So here we go … kindness is … Kindness is taking time to stop and to appreciate the blossoms on the tree that are there for such a short time. This is my tree out the back, and even as I type the wind is making the petals drift down like snow. Kindness…

  • Kindness,  Word of the Year

    Kindness – my word for 2018

    This article was first posted on my Robertson Studios blog on 7 January 2018. Further kindness updates can be found here, but from now on I will be posting wordy articles and updates on this blog. “In a world where you can be anything, be kind”  – Unknown That is the mantra that I will use to set my intention for the year ahead, and I have chosen KINDNESS to be my guiding word. Why did I choose kindness? It’s one of those serendipity things really. I started thinking about my hopes for this year in early December, collected a list of words that I felt fit the bill, and let it…